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29 August 2020 : Animal Research  

Mesenchymal Stem Cells Decrease M1/M2 Ratio and Alleviate Inflammation to Improve Limb Ischemia in Mice

Ye Song1ABCEF*, Tian-Jie Zhang2BCF, Yuan Li3BCF, Yuan Gao4ACD

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.923287

Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e923287

Figure 1 Transplanted PMSCs rescued blood perfusion in the ischemic hind limb. (A) Representative images from the laser Doppler perfusion imaging system (LDPIs) in the PMSCs group (n=5) and PBS group (n=5) at day 1, 7, and 14 after the surgical procedure, respectively. (B) Quantitative analysis of the relative blood flow in the ischemic (left) to the nonischemic (right) limb at day 1, 7, and 14. Blood perfusion differed significantly between the PMSCs group and PBS group at days 7 and 14 after the surgical procedure. A trend toward improvement was manifested from day 7, and a significant improvement in blood flow was demonstrated at day 14. # P<0.05 for PMSCs group versus PBS group. Data are represented as mean±SEM.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750