06 July 2020 : Clinical Research
In vivo Microbial Diversity Analysis on Different Surfaces of Dental Restorative Materials via 16S rDNA Sequencing
Yan Tu12ADG, Yuan Wang12ABG, Lingkai Su12CFG, Beibei Shao3F, Zhuhui Duan123ACDE*, Shuli Deng12FGDOI: 10.12659/MSM.923509
Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e923509
Figure 7 PLS-DA analysis. It is a method of testing the similarity and differences between groups. At the OTU level, IPR and GI sample scatters show the far distance from the ZPC samples. Therefore, there are statistical differences among these experimental groups. OTU – operational taxonomic unit; IPR – ICON permeable resin; GI – glass-ionomer; ZPC – zinc phosphate cement.