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07 September 2020 : Animal Research  

A Composite Tissue Engineered Bone Material Consisting of Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Bone Morphogenetic Protein 9 (BMP9) Gene Lentiviral Vector, and P3HB4HB Thermogel (BMSCs-LV-BMP9-P3HB4HB) Repairs Calvarial Skull Defects in Rats by Expression of Osteogenic Factors

Cheng Zhou1BCDEF, Chuan Ye2BCDF, Chen Zhao1BCD, Junyi Liao1BCF, Yuwan Li1BC, Hong Chen1BF, Wei Huang1ADEG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.924666

Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e924666

Figure 5 LV-BMP9 infection further triggered the osteogenic differentiation of the BMSCs according to both Alizarin red staining and ALP staining. (A) LV-BMP9 infection promoted osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs due to Alizarin red staining. (B) LV-BMP9 infection promoted osteogenic differentiation of BMSCs according to ALP staining. BMSCs – bone mesenchymal stem cells; BMP9 – bone morphogenetic protein; ALP – alkaline phosphatase.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750