03 May 2021 : Meta-Analysis
The Roles of Reduced Folate Carrier-1 (RFC1) A80G (rs1051266) Polymorphism in Congenital Heart Disease: A Meta-Analysis
Kang Yi12ABCDEF, Yu-Hu Ma23ABCDEF, Wei Wang23BCF, Xin Zhang24BCF, Jie Gao34BCD, Shao-E He25BCD, Xiao-Min Xu23CDF, Meng Ji23CDF, Wen-Fen Guo6ADEG, Tao You12ABCDEFG*DOI: 10.12659/MSM.929911
Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e929911
Figure 3 Forest plot of Asian analysis in different genetic models.