26 September 2021 : Animal Research
Different Anesthetic Drugs Mediate Changes in Neuroplasticity During Cognitive Impairment in Sleep-Deprived Rats via Different Factors
Mengxi Shen12ABCDEF, Naqi Lian12BCE, Chengcheng Song12DE, Chao Qin12BD, Yang Yu12AE*, Yonghao Yu12ABEDOI: 10.12659/MSM.932422
Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e932422

Figure 6 (A, B) Expression of SIK3, PSD-95 and proteins associated with tau modification after administration of SIK3 inhibitor in ratsIn the Control group, the expression level of tau protein in the hippocampus of the SD group was upregulated (P<0.05), the expression level of tau protein phosphorylation (Ser404) was significantly upregulated (P<0.05), and the acetylation level was decreased (P<0.05), together with the decrease in postsynaptic PSD95. There was no significant difference in each protein’s levels between the Sevo group and the SD group (P>0.05). The SD+Sevo group showed a stronger trend than the SD group (P<0.05) (n=6/group). (* P<0.05, Con vs SD, Con vs Sevo, SD vs SD+Sevo).