14 March 2022 : Database Analysis
Studies Related to Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in the Past 10 Years (2011-2020): A Bibliometric Analysis
Biyun Teng 1ABCEF, Chaozheng Xie2ABCF, Yu Zhao1BCD, Zhe Wang 1ADF*DOI: 10.12659/MSM.935006
Med Sci Monit 2022; 28:e935006
Figure 6 Keyword co-occurrence analysis. (A) Classification of keywords in the AAA rupture field: Cluster 1 (28 items): red; Cluster 2 (27 items): green; Cluster 3 (24 items): blue; Cluster 4 (23 items): yellow; Cluster 5 (12 items): purple. The size of the circle indicates the frequency of occurrence, and the distance of the circle indicates the number of co-occurrences. (B) Average year of publication distribution of keywords; blue indicates more distant keywords, yellow indicates more recent keywords. (C) According to the distribution of keywords with average frequency of occurrence, red indicates the highest frequency of occurrence (VOSviewer, version 1.6.16, Leiden University).