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15 April 2023 : Clinical Research  

Comparison of Extravillous Intermediate Trophoblast Invasion Depth and Distribution Pattern Between Placenta Accreta and Non-Accreta

Dodi Suardi1ABDE, Huda Toriq ORCID logo1ABCDEFG, Rachmat Ramadhani Tuasikal1EF, Johannes Cornelius Mose1CE, Hadi Susiarno1DE, Mochamad Rizkar Arev Sukarsa1AE, Anglita Yantisetiasti2BDE, Kemala Isnainiasih Mantilidewi ORCID logo1BE*, Jessica Kireina1EF, Bethy Suryawathy Hernowo ORCID logo2BE, Yudi Mulyana Hidayat ORCID logo1AE

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.939125

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e939125

Figure 5 Maximum invasion depth of intermediate trophoblasts in placenta accreta spectrum and non-accreta cases, showing a significant difference.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750