03 March 2023 : Review article
Evolution of Hybrid Intelligence and Its Application in Evidence-Based Medicine: A Review
Valentina Bellini1AEF, Marco Badino1AEF, Massimo Maffezzoni1AEF, Francesca Bezzi1AEF, Elena Bignami1AEF*DOI: 10.12659/MSM.939366
Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e939366

Figure 1 Data evolution’s steps, from paper-based model to application of AI in clinical practice. The first step is represented by data digitalization, both in clinical and research settings. The second step relies on IoT application, which allows interconnection of databases and devices. The third step consists of the collaboration between AI algorithm and EBM. The fourth step is formulation of proper guidelines for AI EBM, and will fully release AI potential in clinical practice. (AI – Artificial Intelligence; IoT – Internet of Things; EMB – Evidence-Based Medicine).