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06 July 2024 : Clinical Research  

Identification of RESP18 Gene Mutations Linked to Hereditary Non-Syndromic Cleft Lip and Palate in a Southern Chinese Family

Xiaoping Zhong12ACEG, Xiaosha Han12BCD, Qihu Xie12BCD, Wanxian Chen12BCD, Deyi Geng12EF, Genghong Guo12EF, Xuefen Chen12BCD, Wancong Zhang12A, Jiasheng Chen12DE, Shijie Tang12ACE*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.944294

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e944294

Figure 1 Pedigree of the non-syndromic cleft lip with cleft palate (NSCLP) family. II3, II4, and III2: the proband with the phenotype of NSCLP. I1, I2, I3, I4, II1, II2, II5, II6, III1, III3, and III4: members of the pedigree with no NSCLP phenotype. II3, II4, III2, III3, and III4 represent Cleft_1, Cleft_2, Cleft_3, Normal_1, and Normal_2, respectively. The black symbols represent an affected member, and the arrow indicates the proband. Five members participated in the study (Figure 1, black dotted rectangle).

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750