14 July 2024 : Clinical Research
Comparison of Adaptations in the Gastrocnemius Muscle from an Exercise Program with and without Low-Intensity Blood Flow Restriction Banding in 18 Male Amateur Basketball Players Aged 16-45 Years
Enkeleda Gjini1DEFG, Andrea Shycela Buitrón-Guevara2ABCEF, Marieyi Carolina Cajas-Santacruz2ABDEF, Orges Lena2ABCDEF*, Jasemin Todri2ABCDEFDOI: 10.12659/MSM.944627
Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e944627
Figure 1 (A) Five-kg medicine ball lunge (Group A). (B) Push up with unipodal plantiflexion and 5-kg medicine ball (Group A). (C) Plantar flexion with elastic band, in prone position (Group A). (D) Bipodal Alfredson exercises (Group B). (E) Monopodal Alfredson exercises (Group B). (F) Plantar flexion exercises with elastic band, sitting down (Group B). Interventions of Group A with low-intensity training with flow restriction and Group B with eccentric exercises treatment protocol (Photo Mania App iOS version).