03 June 2014 : Original article
The relationship between fragmentation on electrocardiography and in-hospital prognosis of patients with acute myocardial infarction
Ersin YıldırımABDE, Denizhan KaraçimenABDE, Kazım Serhan ÖzcanACDE, Damirbek OsmonovADF, Ceyhan TürkkanBCDE, Servet AltayBCE, Ufuk Sadık CeylanACF, Murat UğurBCE, Mehmet BozbayADE, İzzet ErdinlerACDDOI: 10.12659/MSM.890201
Med Sci Monit 2014; 20:913-919
BACKGROUND: In patients with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), QRS fragmentation was determined as one of the indicators of mortality and morbidity. The development of fragmented QRS (fQRS) is related to defects in the ventricular conduction system and is linked to myocardial scar and fibrosis.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: We prospectively enrolled 355 consecutive patients hospitalized in the coronary intensive care unit of our hospital with STEMI between the years 2010 and 2012 and their electrocardiographic features and the frequency of in-hospital cardiac events were evaluated.
RESULTS: There were 217 cases in the fQRS group and 118 cases in the control group. QRS fragmentation was found to be a predictor for major cardiac events. In the fragmented QRS group, the frequency of in-hospital major cardiac events (MACE) and death were higher (MACE p<0.001; death p<0.003). In the fragmented QRS group, the cardiac enzymes (Troponin-I, CK-MB) were significantly higher than in the control group (p<0.001). In subgroup analyses, apart from the presence of fragmentation, the presence of more than 1 type of fragmentation and the number of fragmented deviations were also found to be related with MACE. A significant negative correlation was observed with the ejection fraction and, in particular, the number of fragmented deviations.
CONCLUSIONS: Fragmented QRS has emerged as a practical and easily identifiable diagnostic tool for predicting in-hospital cardiac events in acute coronary syndromes. Patients who present with a fragmented QRS demonstrate increased rates of major cardiac events, death risk, and low ejection fraction. In patients with STEMI, the presence of fQRS on the ECG and number of fQRS derivations are a significant predictor of in-hospital major cardiac events.
Keywords: Electrocardiography, Coronary Angiography, Hospitalization, Myocardial Infarction - surgery, Stroke Volume, Ventricular Function, Left
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