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28 November 2015 : Clinical Research  

Effects of a Stroke Primary Prevention Program on Risk Factors for At-Home Elderly

Mi Yang JeonABCDEFG, HyeonCheol JeongABCDEFG

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.895519

Med Sci Monit 2015; 21:3696-3703


BACKGROUND: To prevent stroke from occurring, stroke risk factors in at-risk subjects should be controlled and the diseases causing stroke should be managed. This study evaluated a nursing intervention to prevent stroke in at-risk elderly living at home. The program consisted of stroke and nutrition education as well as exercise guidance.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study targeted 93 elderly people living at home residing in E province with 1 or more stroke risk factors, including high blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity, smoking, or drinking alcohol. The 12-week program included a stroke education class once a week, a nutrition management class once a week, and exercise guidance 3 times a week. Each session lasted 50–70 min. Each disease education and nutrition management session lasted for 20 min and each exercise session lasted for 30–50 min.

RESULTS: The experimental group’s body mass index (BMI) (t=8.27, p<.001), systolic blood pressure (t=2.39, p=.021), fasting blood sugar (t=0.39, p=.700), total cholesterol (t=4.18, p<.001), triglyceride levels (t=2.50, p=.016), and depression scores (t=5.48, p<.001) were significantly reduced and high-density phospholipid protein levels increased significantly by the end of the program (t=–2.94, p=.005).

CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results of this study, participating in a stroke prevention program enabled at-risk elderly participants who lived at home in rural areas to perform health-promoting behaviors. This program may reduce the incidence of stroke by reducing risk factors and managing stroke precursor diseases.

Keywords: Exercise, Health Behavior, Home Care Services, Incidence, Patient Education as Topic - methods, Risk Factors, Stroke - prevention & control

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Editorial: The 2024 Revision of the Declaration of Helsinki and its Continued Role as a Code of Ethics to Guide Medical Research

Dinah V. Parums

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Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e947428


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