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23 July 2020 : Clinical Research  

Clinicopathological Analysis and Prognostic Assessment of Transcobalamin I (TCN1) in Patients with Colorectal Tumors

Xinqiang Zhu12ABCDEG*, Kui Yi3BE, Daorong Hou4ADF, Hailong Huang2BC, Xuetong Jiang2ABE, Xiaohong Shi2BCE, Chungen Xing1AEF

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.923828

Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e923828

Table 2 Relationship between TCN1 immunoexpression and clinicopathological characteristics in patients with colorectal cancer.

ParametersTCN1 immunoexpression levelStatistical results
Age≥6561821=−0.250; P=0.803=−0.039; P=0.806
SexFemale151527=−0.369; P=0.712
CEA levelIncreased6936=−2.909; P=0.004=0.460; P=0.002
CA125 levelIncreased01215=−1.043; P=0.297
CA19-9 levelIncreased3318=−1.482; P=0.138
Tumor locationColon3324 (2.92)=4.525P=0.104
Distal colon999
Histological differentiationG19156 (2.92)=4.976P=0.083
G2159241−2, 1–3=0.353; P=0.024
Depth of invasionT1/T21533=−2.821; P=0.005=0.446; P=0.003
Tumor size≤5 cm212421=−2.341; P=0.01 9=−0.370; P=0.017
>5 cm61239
Metastases to regional lymph nodesNo272415=−3.845, p<0.001
Nerve invasionNo211836=−0.551; P=0.582
Adjuvant chemotherapyNo122=−0.352; P=0.683
CEA – carcinoembryonic antigen; CA125 – cancer antigen 125; CA19-19 – cancer antigen 19-9.

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