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01 September 2020 : Clinical Research  

Impact of COVID-19 on Emotional Resilience and Learning Management of Middle School Students

Qing Zhang1A, Longjun Zhou1C*, Jianping Xia2B

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.924994

Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e924994

Table 2 Differences in emotional resilience, dimensions, and learning management skills by grade.

Seventh grade (N=451)Eighth grade (N=445)tp-value
Emotional resilience37.53±7.736.57±6.781.98.048
Ability to generate positive emotions18.53±4.2118.49±3.870.098.922
Ability to recover from negative emotional experiences19.01±4.6818.07±4.353.12.002
Learning management skills112.16±18.39111.30±17.750.71.475
SD – standard deviation.

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