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10 September 2020 : Clinical Research  

Prognostic Significance of CA125 Dynamic Change for Progression Free Survival in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma

Zemin Li1BCEF, Han Yin1CD, Mulan Ren1AG, Yang Shen1ACG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.925051

Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e925051

Table 1 Clinicopathological characteristics and Univariate analyses of the factors for progression-free survival.

Clinicopathological characteristicsCasesMean PFS (95% CI)χ2P
Age (y)0.9470.331
 <555421.44 (17.79~25.08)
 ≥556319.62 (16.37~22.87)
 Serous carcinoma8621.33 (18.41~24.25)
 Others3118.58 (14.02~23.15)
 Well6723.79 (12.93~19.71)
 Poor, others5016.32 (12.93~19.71)
 Yes6019.76 (16.44~23.10)
 No5721.48 (17.81~25.13)
Vessel carcinoma embolus10.9300.001
 Yes5916.62 (13.59~19.66)
 No5824.65 (21.02~28.28)
FIGO stage9.7820.002
 I–II4525.74 (21.55~29.93)
 III–IV7217.39 (14.59~20.19)
Preoperative serum CA125 (U/mL)1.1130.291
 ≤5006921.88 (18.70~25.06)
 >5004818.76 (14.89~22.64)
Postoperative CA125 decline3.7410.154
 0.0~49.9%615.88 (15.57~16.20)
 50.0~75.0%4818.64 (14.77~22.51)
 >75.0%6322.55 (19.10~25.99)
CA125 half-life (d)8.3020.004
 ≤206323.95 (20.56~27.35)
 >205416.68 (13.38~19.99)
CA125 negative time (w)8.5060.004
 ≤86024.15 (20.58~27.72)
 >85716.87 (13.74~19.99)
Preoperative NLR21.4450.000
 ≤2.966625.43 (22.18~28.69)
 >2.965114.34 (11.33~17.37)
Postoperative NLR change1.2820.257
 Increase5419.16 (15.70~22.61)
 Decrease6321.84 (18.36~25.32)
Preoperative PLR2.6740.102
 ≤2213517.17 (12.59~21.75)
 >2218222.07 (19.18~24.95)
Postoperative PLR change0.8900.345
 Increase6118.82 (15.49~22.16)
 Decrease5622.53 (18.93~26.14)

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