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12 September 2020 : Clinical Research  

The Effects of Online Homeschooling on Children, Parents, and Teachers of Grades 1–9 During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ying Zhao1ACEF, Yong Guo1AD, Yu Xiao1BCF, Ranke Zhu1BFG, Wei Sun1BDF, Weiyong Huang1BF, Deyi Liang1BF, Liuying Tang1BCD, Fan Zhang1F, Dongsheng Zhu1BG, Jie-Ling Wu1A*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.925591

Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e925591

Table 4 Homeschooling behaviors and feelings of teachers.

VariablesGrades 1–3Grades 4–6Grades 7–9Total samplep-Value
82 (39%)80 (38%)48 (22%)210 (100%)
Do you think that homeschooling will influence your students’ interest in learning?0.003
 Increased34 (41.5)32 (40)8 (16.7)74 (35.2)
 Same as usual33 (40.2)27 (33.8)22 (45.8)82 (39.0)
 Decreased15 (18.3)21 (26.3)18 (37.5)54 (25.7)
Is there interaction between you and your students in your online classes?0.007
 Yes, frequently/often66 (80.5)61 (76.3)29 (60.4)156 (74.3)
 Yes, sometimes10 (12.2)12 (15.0)8 (16.7)30 (14.3)
 No6 (7.3)7 (8.8)11 (22.9)24 (11.4)
Do you think your students are focused in your online classes?0.533
 Very focused34 (41.5)38 (47.5)16 (33.3)88 (41.9)
 Sometimes38 (46.3)31 (38.8)23 (47.9)92 (43.8)
 No10 (12.2)11 (13.8)9 (18.8)30 (14.3)
Can you monitor your students effectively during online classes?0.006
 Effectively11 (13.4)7 (8.8)0 (0)18 (8.6)
 Sometimes45 (54.9)45 (56.3)24 (50)114 (54.3)
 No26 (31.7)28 (35)24 (50)78 (37.1)
How do you anticipate the influence on your students’ academic performance?0.025
 Improve17 (20.7)17 (21.3)6 (12.5)40 (19)
 Same as usual30 (36.6)19 (23.8)10 (20.8)59 (28.1)
 Decline35 (42.7)44 (55)32 (66.7)111 (52.9)
Which schooling style do you prefer?0.267
 Homeschooling with online classes10 (12.2)6 (7.5)2 (4.2)18 (8.6)
 Classroom based schooling67 (81.7)65 (81.3)44 (91.7)176 (83.8)
 Study at home by themselves with teachers’ instructions4 (4.9)5 (6.3)0 (0)9 (4.3)
 Others1 (1.2)4 (5)2 (4.2)7 (3.3)

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