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11 October 2020 : Clinical Research  

Factors Affecting Infection Control Behaviors to Prevent COVID-19: An Online Survey of Nursing Students in Anhui, China in March and April 2020

Ting Yuan1BCDEFG, Huan Liu2ACE*, Xiang Dong Li3BCEF, Hai Rong Liu4ACDE

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.925877

Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e925877

Table 7 Multinomial logistic regression analysis of the factors affecting preventive behavior level toward COVID-19 among the nursing students (N=613).

VariablesNPreventive behavior level
Age6131.511.08, 2.100.02* 1.010.93, 1.110.781.011.08, 2.100.80
eHEALS6130.830.78, 0.880.00** 0.890.87, 0.910.00** 0.950.78, 0.880.00**
Knowledge6130.740.64, 0.850.00** 0.890.84, 0.940.00** 0.920.64, 0.850.00**
Attitude6130.320.13, 0.780.01* 0.240.19, 0.320.00** 0.640.13, 0.780.00**
Male7062.370.88, 6.330.091.441.07, 1.950.02* 0.860.88, 6.330.22
City8680.090.03, 0.300.00** 0.300.23, 0.410.00** 0.410.03, 0.300.00**
Health status=good19330.210.04,, 1.470.210.470.04, 1.170.13
Health status=Neither good nor bad3250.590.09, 3.970.590.880.29, 2.670.830.640.09, 3.970.38
Health status=bad73RefRefRef
Ref – reference level; OR – odds ratio; CI – confidence interval.

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