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10 February 2021 : Clinical Research  

Comparison of Pregnancy Outcomes Between Single-Morula Embryo Transfer and Single-Blastocyst Transfer in Fresh IVF/ICSI Cycles

Hui-na Zhang1ABCDEFG, Ying-fen Ying1ABC, Hai-tao Xi1ABCD, Xiao-sheng Lu1ABCD, Jun-zhao Zhao1ACD*, Yi-lu Chen1ABCDEFG

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.928737

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e928737

Table 3 Comparison of pregnancy outcomes between D4 and D5 groups.

OutcomeD4 groupD5 groupP value
Clinical pregnancy rate95/178 (53.37%)535/892 (59.97%)0.102
Early spontaneous abortion rate14/95 (16.84%)57/535 (10.6%)0.246
Live birth rate77/178 (43.25%)454/892 (50.89%)0.063
Ectopic pregnancy rate2/95 (2.10%)4/535 (0.74%)0.209
Monozygotic twins rate1/95 (1.05%)12/535 (2.24%)0.452
Preterm delivery rate4/77 (5.19%)33/454 (7.26%)0.509
Neonate weight3258.68±577.233207.27±470.950.456
Data are presented as mean±SD or n (%).

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750