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01 March 2021 : Database Analysis  

Comparison of Prognostic Value Among 4 Risk Scores in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome: Findings from the Improving Care for Cardiovascular Disease in China-ACS (CCC-ACS) Project

Jieleng Huang12BCEF, Xuebiao Wei23CD, Yu Wang2BE, Mei Jiang2BC, Yingwen Lin2BC, Zedazhong Su2BC, Peng Ran2B, Yingling Zhou2G, Jiyan Chen2AG*, Danqing Yu12AG

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.928863

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e928863

Table 1 Baseline characteristics and complications of the hospital survivors with ACS.

Clinical variablesNSTE-ACS (n=15825)STEMI (n=28925)
 Male11063 (69.9%)22759 (78.7%)
 Female4762 (30.1%)6166 (21.3%)
Previous medical history
 Smoke5926 (37.4%)14325 (49.5%)
 Diabetes4205 (26.6%)5803 (20.1%)
 Hypertension9608 (60.7%)14349 (49.6%)
 Dyslipidemia1917 (12.1%)1911 (6.6%)
 MI1807 (11.4%)1474 (5.1%)
 PCI2003 (12.7%)1273 (4.4%)
 CABG141 (0.9%)60 (0.2%)
 Stroke1797 (11.4%)2620 (9.1%)
 Atrial fibrillation631 (4.0%)431 (1.5%)
Cardiac arrest before admission76 (0.5%)399 (1.4%)
Body weight67.7±11.268.6±11.4
Killip ≥24751 (30.0%)8121 (28.1%)
Serum creatinine, mg/dl1.0±0.81.0±0.66
Hemoglobin, g/L133.5±20.6138.2±19.9
Log hospital stays10.5±5.811.0±5.7
In-hospital medication
 Aspirin14752 (93.2%)28051 (97%)
 Clopidogrel13351 (84.4%)22378 (77.4%)
 Ticagrelor1919 (12.1%)76315 (26.3%)
 β-blocker9629 (608%)15896 (55.0%)
 ACEI/ARB8188 (51.7%)14158 (49.0%)
 Statin14884 (94.1%)27572 (95.3%)
 Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor2914 (18.4%)11792 (40.8%)
C-ACS scores0.64±0.780.63±0.79
ACEF scores1.22±0.471.23±0.45
AGEF scores1.34±0.611.31±0.57
GRACE scores135.91±37.22147.81±32.48
In-hospital events
 Re-infarction50 (0.3%)109 (0.4%)
 AHF1360 (8.6%)2746 (9.5%)
 Stroke107 (0.7%)195 (0.7%)
 Major bleeding310 (2.0%)846 (2.9%)
 Any bleeding472 (3.0%)1171 (4.1%)
 Death137 (0.9%)331 (1.1%)
 MACEs1510 (9.5%)3079 (10.6%)
NSTE-ACS – non-ST segment-elevation acute coronary syndrome; STEMI – ST segment elevation myocardial infarction; MI – myocardial infarction; PCI – percutaneous transluminal coronary intervention; CABG – coronary artery bypass grafting; SBP – systolic blood pressure; DBP – diastolic blood pressure; HR – heart rate; LVEF – left ventricular ejection fraction; ACEI/ARB – angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin receptor blocker; C-ACS – Canada Acute Coronary Syndrome risk score; ACEF – the age, creatinine and ejection fraction risk score; AGEF – the modified version of ACEF risk score; GRACE – the Global Registry for Acute Coronary Events risk scores; AHF – acute heart failure; MACEs – major adverse clinical events.

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