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07 July 2021 : Clinical Research  

Application of the RCOG Risk Assessment Model for Evaluating Postpartum Venous Thromboembolism in Chinese Women: A Case-Control Study

Ying-Zhou Ge123ACDEF, Chen Zhang123CD, Yan-Qing Cai123ABE, He-Feng Huang123AEG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.929904

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e929904

Table 4 Other clinical features and D-dimer of women in the VTE group and control group.

VariableVTE group*n=38Control group*n=152χ2/Zp Value
  115 (39.47)80 (52.63)
  210 (26.32)40 (26.32)
  ≥313 (34.21)32 (21.05)
 Number of spontaneous abortions7.420.024
  031 (81.58)127 (83.55)
  12 (5.26)21 (13.82)
  ≥25 (13.16)4 (2.63)
 Number of voluntary termination of pregnancy1.170.559
 028 (73.68)113 (74.34)
 16 (15.79)30 (19.74)
 ≥24 (10.53)9 (5.92)
 Endometriosis5 (13.16)5 (3.29)5.110.024
 PCOS1 (2.63)6 (3.95)0.150.702
 Never/condoms/calendar rhythm method/withdrawal method24 (63.16)126 (82.89)6.770.009
 Oral contraceptive pills13 (34.21)21 (13.82)8.040.005
 IUD7 (18.42)3 (1.97)11.340.001
 ART5 (13.16)19 (12.50)0.010.913
 Progesterone therapy during early pregnancy13 (34.21)36 (23.68)1.740.187
 Glucocorticoid therapy during pregnancy7 (18.42)6 (3.95)8.330.004
 GDM8 (21.05)33 (21.71)0.010.930
 Gestational hypertension5 (13.16)13 (8.55)0.740.390
 Family history of diabetes8 (21.05)10 (6.58)6.680.010
 Family history of hypertension8 (21.05)30 (19.74)0.030.856
 D-dimer at 12 weeks (mg/ml)0.67 (0.50–0.99)0.66 (0.50–0.79)0.300
 D-dimer at 34 weeks (mg/ml)1.29 (0.94–1.72)1.16 (0.88–1.74)0.305
 D-dimer before delivery (mg/ml)2.13 (1.32–3.15)1.72 (1.17–2.66)0.043
 D-dimer at 1 day after delivery (mg/ml)4.86 (3.36–7.11)3.74 (2.53–5.13)0.006
 D-dimer at 3 day after delivery (mg/ml)2.71 (1.65–4.09)1.99 (1.38–2.74)0.008
VTE – venous thromboembolism; PCOS – polycystic ovarian syndrome; IUD – intrauterine device; ART – assisted reproductive technology; GDM – gestational diabetes mellitus.
* Data are presented as number (percentage) or median (interquartile range).

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