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07 July 2021 : Clinical Research  

Application of the RCOG Risk Assessment Model for Evaluating Postpartum Venous Thromboembolism in Chinese Women: A Case-Control Study

Ying-Zhou Ge123ACDEF, Chen Zhang123CD, Yan-Qing Cai123ABE, He-Feng Huang123AEG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.929904

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e929904

Supplementary Table 1 The RCOG risk assessment model for VTE.

Risk factors for VTEScore*
 Previous VTE (except a single event related to major surgery)4
 Previous VTE provoked by major surgery3
 Known high-risk thrombophilia3
 Medical comorbidities (e.g. cancer, heart failure; active systemic lupus erythematosus, Inflammatory polyarthropathy or inflammatory bowel disease; nephrotic syndrome; type I diabetes mellitus with nephropathy; sickle cell disease; current intravenous drug user)3
 Family history of unprovoked or estrogen-related VTE in first-degree relative1
 Known low-risk thrombophilia (no VTE)1
 Age (>35 years)1
  BMI ≥301
  BMI ≥402
  Parity ≥31
 Gross varicose veins1
 Pre-eclampsia in current pregnancy1
 ART/IVF (antenatal only)** 1
 Multiple pregnancy1
 Cesarean section in labor2
 Elective cesarean section1
 Mid-cavity or rotational operative delivery1
 Prolonged labor (>24 hours)1
 PPH (>1 litre or transfusion)1
 Preterm birth1
 Stillbirth in current pregnancy1
Transient risk factors
Any surgical procedure in pregnancy or puerperium except immediate repair of the perineum, e.g. appendicectomy, postpartum sterilisation3
OHSS (first trimester only)** 4
Current systemic infection1
Immobility, dehydration1
VTE – venous thromboembolism; BMI – body mass index; ART – assisted reproductive technology; IVF – in vitro fertilization; PPH – postpartum hemorrhage.
* Risk factors with score ≥4 are considered as high-risk factor; risk factors with score of 2–3 are considered as intermediate-risk factors; risk factors with score of 1 are considered as low-risk factors.
** ART/IVF is regarded as a risk factor for antenatal VTE, and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is regarded as a risk factor for VTE only in the first trimester.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750