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26 July 2021 : Clinical Research  

Saliva pH and Flow Rate in Patients with Periodontal Disease and Associated Cardiovascular Disease

Pompilia Camelia Lăzureanu1ABDEF, Florina Popescu2ADEF*, Anca Tudor3ACDE, Laura Stef4BD, Alina Gabriela Negru5D, Romeo Mihăilă6ADEF

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.931362

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e931362

Table 2 Patient reevaluation 3 months after oral hygienization.

VariablesPeriodontal diseasep Value
Without (n=53)Stage I (n=44)Stage II (n=35)Stage III and IV (n=23)
(initial moment)6.9±80.216.84±0.196.59±0.376.25±0.32<0.001**
(3months after)6.99±0.176.88±0.166.70±0.256.30±0.17<0.001**
(initial moment)0.39±0.050.35±0.050.32±0.060.28±0.04<0.001**
(3 months after)0.39±0.040.36±0.040.32±0.050.29±0.07<0.001**
(initial moment)0.11±0.611.55±0.763.43±0.74.13±2.05<0.001**
(3 months after)0.16±0.81.69±0.763.42±0.654.31±1.440.41**
(initial moment)0.59±0.501.09±0.752.09±0.872.40±1.64<0.001**
(3 months after)0.21±0.300.17±0.230.43±0.490.68±0.580.068**
CAL – clinical attachment loss; OHI-S – oral health index-simplified.
** Kruskal-Wallis test.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750