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26 November 2021 : Clinical Research  

Biomechanics Analysis of the Lower Limbs in 20 Male Sprinters Using the International Society of Biomechanics Six-Degrees-of-Freedom Model and the Conventional Gait Model

Youbo Ji1ABCDEFG, Rui Xu ORCID logo23ABCDEF, Hao Zuo1ABCDEF, Zhonghan Wang4ABCDEFG*, Hui Jin1ABCDEFG

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.933204

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e933204

Table 1 Marker positions of the 6DOF and HH models.

Left and right PSIS
SACRUMMid-point on line between the PSISs
Most prominent point of lateral femoral epicondyle
L/R THIGHOn line between greater trochanter and knee marker, belowe hand
Most prominent point of medial femoral epicondyle
L/R KNEEOn knee joint center line
Most prominent point of medial malleolus
L/R TIBApproximately midway on line between knee and ankle markers
Most medially prominent point of 1 metatarsal head
L/R TOEBetween and 10 mm proximal to 2 and 3 metatarsla heads
Most laterally prominent point of 5 metatarsal head (For gait event detection only)
Hip joint centre calculated from functional movement recording
L/R HIPHip joint centre lcations calculated with regression equations
Knee joint centre half way between epicondyle markers
L/R KNEEKnee joint centre projectod from knee marker
Ankle joint centre half way between malleoli markers
L/R ANKLEAnkle joint centre projected from ankle marker
Anatomical set plus L/R PP (markers on most superior region of iliac crest)
Rigid cluster of four markers, placed anteriorly and proximally with under and over wrap
Rigid cluster of four markers, placed laterally and distally with under and over wrap
Rigid cluster of three markers, placed on superior lateral face with double sided tape

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750