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02 December 2021 : Clinical Research  

Copy Number Variation Analysis of IL22 and LCE3C in Different Subtypes of Psoriasis in a Chinese Han Population

Caihong Zhu ORCID logo1234ABCDEF, Wenmin Fei14BDF, Wenjun Wang123CD, Lili Tang123BC, Jinping Gao1234CF, Fusheng Zhou1234ACDEFG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.934927

Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e934927

Table 1 Demographic and clinical data of study participants.

Average (range)2P3MaleFemaleP4
Healthy controls41935.7 (4–84)/268 (63.9%)151 (36.0%)/
All patients47839.6 (6–90)<0.001280 (58.6%)198 (41.4%)0.11
PsV28336.9 (7–78)0.16161 (56.8%)122 (43.1%)0.07
Mild4540.6 (13–76)/29 (64.44%)16 (35.56%)/
Moderate20336.2 (7–78)0.07()114 (56.16%)89 (43.84%)<0.001()
Severe3536.2 (13–58)0.184()18 (51.43%)17 (48.57%)0.001()
PsA7445.1 (14–90)<0.00146 (62.2%)28 (37.8%)0.86
GPP5231.4 (6–71)0.0924 (46.2%)28 (53.8%)0.02
EP6951.0 (11–85)<0.00149 (83.1%)20 (33.8%)0.32
1 Clinical phenotypes of controls and psoriasis patients.
PsV – psoriasis vulgaris; PsA – psoriatic arthritis; GPP – generalized pustular psoriasis; EP – erythrodermic psoriasis.
2 Age (in years) values are given as the mean and range (minimum–maximum).
3 Mann-Whitney test (each subgroup of patients versus controls).
4 Pearson’s chi-square test (each subgroup of patients versus controls).
5 Mann-Whitney test (each subgroup of patients versus Mild group).
6 Pearson’s chi-square test (each subgroup of patients in the Mild group).

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