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09 September 2022 : Clinical Research  

Use of Mobile Apps and Wearables to Monitor Diet, Weight, and Physical Activity: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Adults in Poland

Adam Żarnowski1ABCDEF*, Mateusz Jankowski2ACE, Mariusz Gujski1ADE

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.937948

Med Sci Monit 2022; 28:e937948

Table 1 Characteristics of the study population (n=1070).

 Informal relationship17416.3
 Living alone14713.7
 Living with at least one person92386.3
 City below 20,000 residents13512.6
 City from 20,000 to 99,999 residents22721.2
 City from 100,000 to 499,999 residents20218.9
 City above 500,000 residents14913.9
 Rather good, good or very good41038.3
 Moderate/difficult to tell43040.2
 Rather bad, bad or very good23021.5
 Rather good, good or very good47244.1
 Moderate/difficult to tell50246.9
 Rather bad, bad or very good969.0
 Yes, self-control52348.9
 Yes, a regular check-up by the healthcare professional232.1
 Yes, both self-control and check-up by the healthcare professional807.5
 3–4 Times per week19318.0
 1–2 Times per week22020.6
 2–3 Times per month989.2
 Once per month434.0
 Less than once per month14313.4
 Daily smoker25623.9
 Occasional smoker868.0
 3–4 Times per week11010.3
 1–2 Times per week23522.0
 2–3 Times per month18617.4
 Once per month11610.8
 Less than once per month21520.1

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750