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29 April 2023 : Database Analysis  

Clinical Course of 53 Previously Vaccinated Patients Admitted to the National Hospital in Warsaw, Poland with COVID-19 Between November 2021 and March 2022

Artur Zaczyński1AB, Michał Hampel1AB, Paweł Piątkiewicz2AB*, Jacek Nasiłowski3AB, Sławomir Butkiewicz2AB, Urszula Religioni4DEF, Agnieszka Barańska5CD, Maria Malm ORCID logo5CD, Agnieszka Neumann-Podczaska ORCID logo6DEF, Regis Vaillancourt2ACDF, Piotr Merks2AFG

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.939841

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e939841

Table 1 Demographic characteristics.

 Mean (SD)63.8 (9.8)
 Range44, 83
 Female23 (43.4%)
 Male30 (56.6%)
 Median [IQR]80.0 [75.0, 91.5]
 Range55, 168
 Median [IQR]169.0 [164.0, 175.0]
 Range80, 186
 Median [IQR]28.10 [25.54, 30.67]
 Range20.7, 43.0
IQR – interquartile range; BMI – Body Mass Index.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750