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17 July 2023 : Meta-Analysis  

Unraveling the Interplay between Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Adolescents: Pathogenesis, Prevalence, and Management Strategies

Kinga Półkośnik ORCID logo1ABCDEFG*, Agnieszka Łebkowska ORCID logo2ACDEF, Irina Kowalska ORCID logo2ACDEF, Dariusz M. Lebensztejn ORCID logo1ABCDEFG

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.940398

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e940398

Table 1 Characteristics of the studies included in the systematic review.

No.First author (year)ReferenceRegion, countryPCOS criteriaNAFLD/MAFLD/HS diagnosisStudy designNo. of participants
1.Ayonrinde et al (2016)[]36 AustraliaNIH 1990* USGProspective199
2.Tollefson et al (2018)[]37 USAPrevious diagnosis based on International Classification of DiseasesPrevious diagnosis based on International Classification of DiseasesRetrospective59 914
3.Garoufi et al (2021)[]12 GreeceRotterdam 2003** USGProspective32
4.Carreau et al (2019)[]38 USANIH 1990* MRIProspective/retrospective108
5.Kim et al (2016)[]39 USAEndocrine Society Clinical Practice Guidelines 2013*** CTProspective70
6.de Zegher et al (2021)[]22 SpainAn International Consortium of Pediatric Endocrinology update 2018# MRI; MAFLD triad: hepatic fat, HOMA-IR, CRPRetrospective62
7.Garcia-Beltran et al (2021)[]23 SpainAn International Consortium of Pediatric Endocrinology update 2018# MRIProspective30
8.Cree-Green et al (2016)[]29 USANIH 1990* MRIProspective71
9.Jobira et al (2021)[]30 USANIH 1990* MRI, MR elastographyProspective34
10.Cree-Green et al (2017)[]31 USANIH 1990* MRIProspective38
11.Díaz et al (2018)[]24 SpainEndocrine Society Clinical Practice Guidelines 2013*** MRIProspective35
12.Castro-Correia et al (2018)[]40 PortugalEndocrine Society and Rotterdam criteria** USG and/or hepatic cytolysis markers (AST, ALT, GGTP)Prospective44
13.Won et al (2021)[]41 KoreaExcess androgen and PCOS society in 2009## USG, transient elastography and/or MRIRetrospective586
14.Ibáñez et al (2017)[]25 SpainEndocrine Society Clinical Practice Guidelines 2013*** MRIProspective34
15.Ware (2022)[]32 USANIH 1990* MRIProspective113
16.Michaliszyn et al (2013)[]42 USANIH 1990* CTProspective30
17.Simon et al (2020)[]33 USANIH 1990* MRIProspective66
18.Leon et al (2018)[]43 CanadaPre-existing diagnosis, or Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guidelines 2013*** USG and/or elevated ALT/AST activityRetrospective199
19.Andrisse et al (2021)[]34 USANIH 1990* MRIProspective/retrospective101
20.de Zegher et al (2021)[]26 SpainAn International Consortium of Pediatric Endocrinology update 2018# MRIProspective/retrospective78
21.Ibáñez et al (2020)[]27 SpainAn International Consortium of Pediatric Endocrinology update 2018# MRIRetrospective114
22.Malpique et al (2019)[]28 SpainAn International Consortium of Pediatric Endocrinology update 2018# MRIProspective/retrospective51
23.Urbano et al (2022)[]44 ItalyNIH 1990* USGProspective32
ALT – alanine aminotransferase activity; AST – aspartate aminotransferase activity; CRP – C-reactive protein; CT – computed tomography; GGTP – gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; HOMA-IR – the homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance; HS – hepatic steatosis; MAFLD – metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease; MR – magnetic resonance; MRI – magnetic resonance imaging; NAFLD – non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; NIH 1990–1990 National Institute of Health Guidelines; No. – number; PCOS – polycystic ovary syndrome; USA – United States of America; USG – ultrasonography.
* 1990 NIH guidelines: irregular menses (ovulation frequency 35 days) and hyperandrogenism – clinical and/or biochemical;
** Rotterdam 2003 Guidelines – 2 out of 3: oligo- and/or anovulation, clinical and/or biochemical signs of hyperandrogenism, polycystic ovaries, and exclusion of other etiologies;
*** Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guidelines 2013: hyperandrogenism- clinical and/or biochemical, oligomenorrhea, and the exclusion of secondary etiologies;
# An International Consortium of Pediatric Endocrinology update 2018: hyperandrogenism - biochemical or clinical, oligomenorrhea ≥2 years after menarche, and the exclusion of secondary etiologies;
## Androgen excess and PCOS society in 2009: oligomenorrhea and hyperandrogenism.

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