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05 October 2023 : Clinical Research  

Clinical Presentation and Co-Detection of Respiratory Pathogens in Children Under 5 Years with Non-COVID-19 Bacterial and Viral Respiratory Tract Infections: A Prospective Study in Białystok, Poland (2021-2022)

Katarzyna Zdanowicz ORCID logo1CEF, Dawid Lewandowski2B, Piotr Majewski ORCID logo3B, Kinga Półkośnik ORCID logo1B, Nikolina Liwoch-Nienartowicz ORCID logo2B, Joanna Reszeć-Giełażyn ORCID logo4AB, Dariusz Marek Lebensztejn ORCID logo1A, Artur Sulik ORCID logo2ACDF, Kacper Toczyłowski ORCID logo2ACDEFG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.941785

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e941785

Table 3 Multiple detections in children with acute respiratory tract infections.

Co-detected pathogensNumber of patients
+ 8
+ HPIV25
+ HRV4
+ HAdV4
+ + HRV3
+ HAdV + HRV3
+ HRV3
+ + HAdV3
+ hRSV-B2
HAdV + HBoV2
+ hMPV1
HBoV + HCoV NL631
+ HCoV OC431
+ hRSV-B1
+ EV1
+ Flu A H31
+ + HPIV21
+ + HCoV NL63+HRV1
+ + hRSV-B+HRV1
+ + hMPV1
+ HBoV + HRV1
+ HRV + HCoV OC431
+ HRV + PIV21
+ + HCoV 229E1
HMPV – human metapneumovirus; EV – enterovirus; HPIV – human parainfluenza viruses; HRV – human rhinovirus; HCoV 229E – human coronavirus 229E; HCoV NL63 – human coronavirus NL63; HCoV OC43 – human coronavirus OC43; FluA – influenza A virus with H3 subtyping; hRSV-A – human respiratory syncytial virus subtype A; hRSV-B – human respiratory syncytial virus subtype B; HAdV – human adenovirus; HBoV – human bocavirus.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750