14 November 2023 : Clinical Research
Fertility-Sparing Treatment in Gestational Choriocarcinoma: Evaluating Oncological and Obstetrical Outcomes in Young Patients
Szymon Piątek 1ABCDEF*, Natalia Szczęsny 2BE, Iwona Szymusik 3EF, Karolina Karoń2BE, Krzysztof Piątkowski2BE, Ewelina Bornio 2BE, Mariusz Bidziński 1EF, Mariusz Gujski 4EDOI: 10.12659/MSM.942078
Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e942078
Table 1 Patients’ characteristics.
Patient | Age (years) | Antecedent pregnancy | Uterus lesion | FIGO stage | FIGO score (points) | Pretreatment Beta-hCG (mIU/mL) | Chemotherapy regimen/number of cycles | Response/salvage therapy for non-responders | Recurrence | Childbirth after treatment (time since diagnosis) |
1. | 30 | No | No | III | 8 | 100821 | EMACO/7 | CR | No | No |
2. | 30 | Birth | No | IV | 11 | 10371 | EMACO/7 | CR | No | No |
3. | 30 | Birth | No | III | 6 | 20511 | MTX/6 | CR | No | Yes (46 months) |
4. | 33 | Abortion | Yes | I | 6 | 12260 | MTX/3 | Progression/hysterectomy+ EMACO | No | No |
5. | 30 | Birth | Yes | III | 7 | 23728 | EMACO/5 | CR | No | No |
6. | 24 | Birth | Yes | IV | 12 | 213.9 | EMACO/5 | CR | Yes (after 62 moths)/hysterectomy+ EMACO | No |
7. | 34 | Birth | Yes | III | 5 | 29168 | MTX/6 | CR | No | No |
8. | 32 | Mole | Yes | I | 0 | 172.9 | MTX/7 | Progression/EMACO | No | No |
9. | 25 | Mole | Yes | I | 0 | 42 | MTX/2 | Progression/EMACO | No | Yes (39 months) |
10. | 29 | Mole | Yes | I | 5 | 2673 | MTX/5 | CR | No | No |
11. | 24 | Mole | Yes | I | 2 | 110613 | Actinomycin D/6 | CR | No | Yes (35 months and 77 months) |
12. | 37 | Birth | Yes | III | 9 | 7046 | EMACO/7 | CR | No | No |
13. | 27 | Abortion | Yes | III | 8 | 86441 | EMACO/8 | CR | No | No |
14. | 33 | Birth | Yes | IV | 13 | 201272 | EMACO/6 | CR | No | No |
15. | 26 | Abortion | Yes | IV | 7 | 21139 | EMACO/6 +brain radiotherapy | CR | No | Yes (41 months and 76 months) |
16. | 30 | Abortion | No | III | 1 | 769 | MTX/6 | CR | No | No |
17. | 37 | Birth | No | III | 13 | 408179 | EMACO/1 | Progression, death within 1 month | – | – |
18. | 40 | Mole | Yes | III | 12 | 871940 | EMACO/3 | Progression/hysterectomy, POMB, EMACO; death 3 months since diagnosis | – | – |
CR – complete response; MTX – methotrexate; EMACO – etoposide, methotrexate, actinomycin D, cyclophosphamide and vincristine; POMB – cisplatin, vincristine, methotrexate, bleomycin. |