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21 May 2024 : Clinical Research  

Protective Role of TRPC3 Gene Polymorphism (rs10518289) in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome Among Hypertensive Patients

Yu Li1CDE, Reyihanguli Shataer2BC, Yulan Chen3ABCFG*, Xiaoli Zhu4B, Xiaojing Sun5AB

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.942667

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e942667

Table 2 Comparison of clinical data between the EH group and EH+OSAHS group.

EH groupEH+OSHAS groupFP-value
Age (year)42.61±10.60947.49±10.032−3.7090.000
Gender (male/female)49/25223/762.1020.147
Smoking history (yes/no)31/42131/1680.0430.835
Alcohol history (yes/no)23/5181/2160.4260.514
Hypertension history (months)52±58.52465.84±73.814−1.4870.138
BMI (kg/m)25.376±3.23927.390±3.269−4.7540.000
FPG (mmol/L)4.872±1.1365.024±1.513−0.8090.419
Urea (mmol/L)5.223±1.4975.343±1.300−0.6850.494
Creatinine (μmol/L)71.280±20.02471.90±16.315−0.2790.780
TG (mmol/L)1.717±1.0042.185±1.933−2.8880.004
TC (mmol/L)4.239±0.9224.244±0.862−0.0410.968
HDL-C (mmol/L)1.134±0.3121.086±0.2861.2650.206
LDL-C (mmol/L)2.783±0.7382.766±0.7030.1810.857
GHb (%)5.652±0.7045.783±0.885−1.1700.243
24-h MSBP (mm Hg)135.80±12.905136.21±15.268−0.2060.837
24-h MDBP (mm Hg)87.77±11.27586.56±11.9530.7750.439

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750