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16 December 2023 : Database Analysis  

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: Impact on Body Mass Index and Thyroid Hormones in Euthyroid Obese Patients

Omer Faruk Buk ORCID logo1ABDE, Sönmez Ocak1ABDE*, Mustafa Safa Uyanik ORCID logo1ACDF, Emin Daldal ORCID logo1ABDEF, Mehmet Alperen Avci ORCID logo1ABEF, Can Akgün ORCID logo2ABDEF

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.942692

Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e942692

Table 2 Body mass index (BMI) and thyroid function analysis before surgery and 6 and 12 months after surgery.

ParametersNPreoperativePostoperative 6 monthsPostoperative 12 monthsStatistical significance[GLM-repeated measures]
BMI30045.72±0.31A 30.58±0.21B 29.05±0.17C P<0.001
FT3[ng/L]3003.23±0.03A 3.15±0.03B 3.23±0.03A P=0.005
FT4 [ng/dL]3001.16±0.01A 1.28±0.01B 1.42±0.02C P<0.001
TSH [IU/L]3002.57±0.08A 1.93±0.06B 1.51±0.04C P<0.001
(χ̄±S) – mean±standard error of means;
A,B,C – Different superscripts within the same row column indicate significant differences

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750