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24 January 2024 : Clinical Research  

Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Traumatic Bone Fracture Patterns and Hospital Outcomes in 1646 Elderly Patients: A Retrospective Study in Turkey

Ahmet Akif Durak ORCID logo1ABCDEF, Mehmet Ergin ORCID logo2ACDE*, Selahattin Gürü ORCID logo1CDEF, Hakan Oğuztürk ORCID logo3CDE, Gulhan Kurtoglu Celik ORCID logo2CDE, Servan Gökhan ORCID logo2CDE, Mehmet Ali Ceyhan ORCID logo3CDE

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.942916

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e942916

Table 2 Fracture zones in elderly trauma patients with at least 1 fracture who were examined in the ED and their frequency in 1 of 3 time periods: before the lockdowns started (Group 1), during the lockdowns (Group 2), and during the post-lockdown normalization period (Group 3).

Fracture zoneALLn (%)Group 1n (%)Group 2n (%)Group 3n (%)P
CraniumYes41 (2.5)25 (2.8)8 (3.5)8 (1.5)0.197*
No1605 (97.5)876 (97.2)218 (96.5)511 (98.5)
MaxillofacialYes57 (3.5)36 (4)7 (3.1)14 (2.7)0.414*
No1589 (96.5)865 (96)219 (96.9)505 (97.3)
OrbitalYes34 (2.1)20 (2.2)6 (2.7)8 (1.5)0.549*
No1612 (97.9)881 (97.8)220 (97.3)511 (98.5)
NasalYes85 (5.2)47 (5.2)11 (4.9)27 (5.2)0.977*
No1561 (94.8)854 (94.8)215 (95.1)492 (94.8)
ClavicleYes33 (2.0)20 (2.2)3 (1.3)10 (1.9)0.685*
No1613 (98)881 (97.8)223 (98.7)519 (98.1)
RibYes265 (16.1)159 (17.6)30 (13.3)76 (14.6)0.154*
No1381 (83.9)742 (82.4)196 (86.7)443 (85.4)
SternumYes24 (1.5)15 (1.7)4 (1.4)5 (1.0)0.521*
No1622 (98.5)886 (98.3)222 (98.6)514 (99.0)
ScapulaYes21 (1.3)13 (1.4)1 (0.4)7 (1.3)0.48*
No1625 (98.7)888 (98.6)225 (99.6)512 (98.7)
CervicalYes39 (2.4)26 (2.9)6 (2.7)7 (1.3)0.178*
No1607 (97.6)875 (97.1)220 (97.3)512 (98.7)
ThoracicYes87 (5.3)51 (5.7)14 (6.2)22 (4.2)0.414*
No1559 (94.7)850 (94.3)212 (93.8)497 (95.8)
LumbarYes160 (9.7)98 (10.9)20 (8.8)43 (8.3)0.251*
No1486 (90.3)803 (89.1)206 (91.2)476 (91.7)
SacralYes32 (1.9)18 (2)3 (1.3)11 (2.1)0.76*
No1614 (98.1)883 (98)223 (98.7)508 (97.9)
CoccyxYes5 (0.3)2 (0.2)0 (0.0)3 (0.6)0.43**
No1641 (99.7)899 (99.8)226 (100.0)516 (99.4)
PelvisYes88 (5.3)49 (5.4)11 (4.9)28 (5.4)0.942*
No1558 (94.7)852 (94.6)215 (95.1)491 (94.6)
HumerusYes161 (9.8)95 (10.5)20 (8.8)46 (8.9)0.519*
No1485 (90.2)806 (89.5)206 (91.2)473 (91.1)
UlnaYes39 (2.4)19 (2.1)11 (4.9)9 (1.7)*
No1607 (97.6)882 (97.9)215 (95.1)510 (98.3)
RadiusYes131 (8.0)60 (6.7)23 (10.2)48 (9.2)0.092*
No1515 (92.0)841 (93.3)203 (89.8)471 (90.8)
Hand-wristYes80 (4.9)50 (5.5)7 (3.1)24 (4.6)0.292*
No1566 (95.1)851 (94.5)219 (96.9)495 (95.4)
FemurYes611 (37.1)310 (34.4)94 (41.6)208 (40.1)*
No1035 (62.9)591 (65.6)132 (58.4)311 (59.9)
PatellaYes15 (0.9)10 (1.1)2 (0.9)3 (0.6)0.578**
No1631 (99.1)891 (98.9)224 (99.1)516 (99.4)
TibiaYes66 (4.0)32 (3.6)10 (4.4)24 (4.6)0.576*
No1580 (96)869 (96.4)216 (95.6)495 (95.4)
FibulaYes67 (4.1)35 (3.9)8 (3.5)24 (4.6)0.722*
No1579 (95.9)866 (96.1)218 (96.5)495 (95.4)
Foot-ankleYes45 (2.7)28 (3.1)5 (2.2)12 (2.3)0.594*
No1601 (97.3)873 (96.9)220 (97.8)507 (97.7)
ED – Emergency Department; n – number of patients; categorical variables were presented as “number”;
* Pearson Ki-Square;
** Fisher’s Exact Test.

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