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06 May 2024 : Clinical Research  

Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP-1) and 3 (TIMP-3) as New Markers of Acute Kidney Injury After Massive Burns

Wojciech Klimm ORCID logo1ABCDEFG*, Katarzyna Szamotulska ORCID logo2ABCDEF, Marek Karwański ORCID logo3CDE, Zbigniew Bartoszewicz4ABCDE, Wojciech Witkowski5ABCDE, Tomasz Rozmyslowicz6DEF, Stanisław Niemczyk ORCID logo1ABCDEFG

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.943500

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e943500

Table 3 Estimated means of TIMP-1-4 parameter concentrations with acute kidney injury status and the number of days from injury (GLMM model).

Overall effectsP valuesDays from injuryMean (95% CI)Ratio of MeansP value
AKI status (ng/mL)Non-AKI status (ng/mL)
sTIMP1* AKI status:=0.216Days from injury:=0.100Interaction term:=0.3941351.32 (274.26–450.03)214.52 (123.86–371.53)1.640.091
2315.97 (242.69–411.38)249.97 (203.53–307.02)1.260.105
3229.02 (171.26–306.27)230.05 (192.69–274.65)1.000.977
4217.38 (122.85–384.63)224.22 (185.20–271.46)0.970.916
5228.70 (132.45–394.89)208.57 (163.15–266.64)1.100.743
uTIMP1AKI status:= 0.037Days from injury:=0.268Interaction term:=0.2301205.29 (89.19–472.48)13.14 (1.50–115.04)15.630.021
244.19 (18.08–108.03)38.36 (19.17–76.76)1.150.802
334.20 (14.75–79.31)14.61 (8.74–24.44)2.340.088
418.74 (5.32–65.96)18.42 (10.39–32.68)1.020.980
524.31 (6.82–86.63)18.59 (8.09–42.73)1.310.725
sTIMP2** AKI status:=0.441Days from injury:=0.231Interaction term:=0.5031110.74 (98.62–124.34)88.88 (66.20–119.33)1.250.167
2108.53 (95.86–122.87)99.72 (90.60–109.75)1.090.271
394.86 (83.55–107.72)96.75 (89.92–104.10)0.980.786
490.72 (73.66–111.74)97.95 (90.14–106.43)0.930.492
589.96 (72.8–111.18)88.78 (79.07–99.67)1.010.912
uTIMP2AKI status:=0.222Days from injury:=0.053Interaction term:=0.9031228.26 (54.82–950.53)59.00 (1.36–2569.81)3.870.506
258.29 (12.49–272.09)49.27 (14.94–162.51)1.180.864
3448.88 (107.79–1869.34)121.11 (50.95–287.90)3.710.122
452.63 (5.96–465.05)31.10 (11.74–82.42)1.690.662
545.57 (5.16–402.70)32.32 (7.76–134.60)1.410.793
sTIMP3AKI status:<0.001Days from injury:=0.563Interaction term:=0.489154.5 (44.84–66.26)27.76 (16.70–46.17)1.960.016
253.96 (43.76–66.53)38.65 (32.85–45.47)1.400.013
345.65 (37.49–55.59)38.22 (33.89–43.11)1.190.127
450.97 (37.95–68.45)41.89 (36.47–48.12)1.220.232
550.81 (37.73–68.43)36.27 (29.84–44.09)1.400.062
sTIMP4AKI status:=0.074Days from injury:=0.560Interaction term:=0.11514.31 (3.18–5.83)1.74 (0.85–3.54)2.480.019
23.20 (2.33–4.38)2.12 (1.65–2.73)1.510.028
32.71 (1.97–3.71)2.22 (1.81–2.74)1.220.266
42.02 (1.32–3.10)2.44 (1.94–3.05)0.830.416
51.98 (1.26–3.10)2.00 (1.48–2.72)0.990.957
* Patients 33 and 11 were deleted from the analysis for having extreme values (>3*IQR) in all points of observation.
** Patient 33 was deleted from the analysis for having extreme values (>3*IQR) in all points of observation.
GLMM – generalized linear mixed models; TIMP 1–4 – tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1–4; s – blood serum; u – urine; AKI – acute kidney injury.

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