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09 September 2024 : Clinical Research  

Efficacy of Lung Ultrasound vs Chest X-Ray in Detecting Lung Consolidation and Edema in Premature Infants in the NICU

Lin Niu1BCE, Zhi-qun Zhang2CD, Jing Li2DF, Min Zhao1AB*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.944426

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e944426

Table 2 Imaging features of the 75 premature newborns.

Imaging featuresLUS (n=75)N%CXR (n=75)N%P-value
ConsolidationTotal34 (45.3%)14 (18.7%)<0.001
Small consolidation23 (67.6%)7 (50.0%)
Larger or multiple consolidation11 (32.4%)4 (28.6%)
Consolidation on the CXR only3 (21.4%)
Lung edemaTotal53 (70.7%)22 (29.3%)<0.001
Confluent B-line29 (54.7%)9 (40.9%)
AIS15 (28.3%)7 (31.8%)
Compact B-lines or white lung9 (17.0%)6 (27.3%)
AIS – alveolar-interstitial syndrome. Small consolidations are characterized by a maximum diameter of less than 2.0 cm, presenting as subpleural consolidations. Larger consolidations were defined as having a maximum diameter exceeding 2.0 cm, or the presence of multiple consolidations.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750