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01 July 2024 : Review article  

The Influence of Acid-Base Balance on Anesthetic Muscle Relaxants: A Comprehensive Review on Clinical Applications and Mechanisms

Paweł Radkowski ORCID logo123ABCDEFG, Maciej Szewczyk ORCID logo4ABCDEFG*, Aleksandra Czajka ORCID logo12F, Milena Samiec ORCID logo12F, Małgorzata Braczkowska-Skibińska ORCID logo1FG

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.944510

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e944510

Table 4 Division of NMBDs based on their action and elimination mechanism from the body.

Group of relaxantsOnset of action [min]Duration of action [min]ED95Pathways of metabolic degradation and excretion
Mivacurium1–1.515–200.08 mg/kgPlasma pseudocholinesterase (butyrylcholinesterase);excretion by kidneys
Gantacurium100.19 mg/kgAlkaline hydrolysis
Rocuronium1–330–600.3 mg/kgExcreted unchanged in bile and in around 30% by kidneys
Cisatracurium260–900.05 mg/kgHofmann elimination and ester hydrolysis;Only 23% is excreted in organ-depended manner - mostly by kidneys
Atracurium1–1.545–600.23 mg/kgTwo-thirds is degraded by ester hydrolysis and one-third by Hofmann reaction; less than 5% of atracurium is excreted by kidneys; prime metabolite – laudanosine (which presents no neuromuscular blocking activity) is excreted by liver and by kidneys
Vecuronium1.5600.05 mg/kgMetabolized by the liver to 3-desacetylvecuronium, 17-desacetylvecuronium, and 3.17-desacetylvecuronium; excretion of unmetabolized vecuronium: 40% is cleared through the bile and 20% to 30% is eliminated by kidneys 5% is excreted in the urine as the 3-desacetyl metabolite
Pipecuronium3–580–900.05 mg/kgLittle metabolized; excreted mainly by kidneys – about 40% of pipecuronium is excreted unchanged by kidneys together with another 15% as 3-hydroxypipecuronium in 24 hours
Pancuronium4–5900.07 mg/kgExcretion by kidneys in 80%; hepatic degradation in 10% and biliary excretion in 10%
NMBDs – non-depolarizing muscle drugs; ED95 – effective dose 95 (dose expected to reduce single twitch height by 95%).

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