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23 October 2024 : Review article  

Advancements in Vascular Closure Devices for Effective Hemostasis in Femoral Artery Interventions

Wanyu Ding1ABCDEF, Yue Luo2EF, Wei Li2ADF*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.944884

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e944884

Table 1 Vascular closure devices list.

Device typeDevice nameManufacturerMaterialsPuncture size, F
Intra-vascular sealant devicesAngio-SealSt. Jude Medical (USA)Absorbable bovine collagen bolus6F-8F
FemoSealSt. Jude Medical (USA)Absorbable biopolymer disk5F-7F
Extra-vascular sealant devicesMynxGripAccess Closurre (USA)Polyethene glycol5F-7F
ExosealCordis (USA)Polyglycolic acid5F-7F
Manual compression assistance deviceVascadeCardiva Medical (USA)Absorbable collagen plug5F-7F
Mechanical non-suture closure devicesCeltVasorum Limited (Ireland)Biocompatible metal stainless steel wing5F-7F
StarCloseAbbott (USA)Nickel-titanium alloy clip5F-8F
Suture-mediated closure devicePerclose ProGlideAbbott (USA)Polypropylene thread5F-8F

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750