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30 October 2024 : Clinical Research  

Oral Health Literacy and Patient Education Practices Among Non-Dental Professionals in Chongqing, China: A Cross-Sectional Study

Weifei Qin1BE, Nanshu Liu2BE, Qian Wang23CE, Yanling Dong23CE, Lin Jiang24ACDE*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945207

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e945207

Table 1 Demographic characteristics of the study participants.

Demographic characteristicsDoctorn (%)Nursen (%)Totaln (%)Chi-square valueP value
Number166 (40.89)240 (59.11)406 (100.00)
GenderMale102 (61.45)26 (10.83)128 (31.53)116.4410.000
Female64 (38.55)214 (89.17)278 (68.47)
Educational backgroundAssociate degree0 (0.00)74 (30.83)74 (18.23)219.6660.000
Bachelor degree43 (25.90)142 (59.1)186 (45.81)
Master degree101 (60.84)23 (9.58)124 (30.54)
Doctor degree22 (13.25)0 (0.00)22 (5.42)
Positional titlePrimary title46 (27.71)140 (58.33)186 (45.81)13.740.001
Middle title63 (37.95)75 (31.25)138 (33.99)
Senior title57 (34.34)25 (10.42)82 (20.2)
Working years1–5 years50 (30.12)74 (30.83)124 (30.54)17.8810.000
6–10 years24 (14.46)72 (30.00)96 (23.65)
11–20 years66 (39.76)58 (24.17)124 (30.54)
>20 years26 (15.66)36 (15.00)62 (15.27)

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750