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30 October 2024 : Clinical Research  

Oral Health Literacy and Patient Education Practices Among Non-Dental Professionals in Chongqing, China: A Cross-Sectional Study

Weifei Qin1BE, Nanshu Liu2BE, Qian Wang23CE, Yanling Dong23CE, Lin Jiang24ACDE*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945207

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e945207

Table 4 Oral health knowledge about pregnancy and childcare.

Oral health check before pregnancyNecessary37492.12%
Get a “professional teeth clean” before pregnancyNecessary31477.34%
Treatment of oral diseases before pregnancyNecessary37492.12%
Gum cleaning before the child’s teeth eruptNecessary27467.48%
Babies who drink milk while lying down for a long time can easily cause crossbiteKnow29873.40%
Do not know10826.60%
Prolonged mouth breathing can cause maxillary protrusionKnow34484.73%
Do not know6215.27%
Pregnant women are prone to bleeding gumKnow34484.73%
Do not know6215.27%
The oral health of pregnant women can affect the development of the fetusRight32880.79%
Nutrition during pregnancy can affect fetal tooth developmentRight37492.12%
Pregnant women need to pay more attention to oral hygiene than usualRight39296.55%
Decayed deciduous teeth did not need to be treatedRight4611.33%
The relatively safe time to deal with teeth for pregnant women1–3 month9423.15%
4–6 month22856.16%
7–10 month8420.69%
The time when children’s teeth start to be cleanedEruption of the first tooth23257.14%
1–2 years old11027.09%
3–4 years old348.37%
5–6 years old307.39%

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750