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18 October 2024 : Clinical Research  

Serum Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio Predicts One-Year Mortality in Elderly Patients with Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Prospective Cohort Analysis

Jun-jie Long1ABCDEF, Zhi-gao Wen1ABCDEF, Xiao-jiao Zhang2ABCEFG*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945516

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e945516

Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study population by tertiles of the albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) index.

VariablesTertile 1 (n=118)Tertile 2 (n=118)Tertile 3 (n=118)P value
Age, years84.0 (82.0, 87.0)84.0 (82.0, 86.0)83.0 (81.0, 85.0)0.002
Sex (Male), n (%)82 (69.5)79 (66.9)74 (62.7)0.538
Current smoker, (%)34 (28.8)29 (24.6)28 (23.7)0.632
Diabetes mellitus, (%)42 (35.6)47 (39.8)45 (38.1)0.796
Hypertension, (%)71 (60.2)70 (59.3)72 (61.0)0.965
Heart failure, (%)8 (6.8)11 (9.3)7 (5.9)0.583
Previous stroke, (%)13 (11.0)10 (8.5)9 (7.6)0.640
Previous MI, (%)12 (10.2)10 (8.5)10 (8.5)0.872
Previous PCI, (%)19 (16.1)15 (12.7)17 (14.4)0.760
Clinical presentation
UA, (%)10 (8.5)12 (10.2)8 (6.8)0.646
NSTEMI, (%)108 (91.5)106 (89.8)110 (93.2)
Target lesions and lesion characteristics
LM, (%)3 (2.5)5 (4.2)2 (1.7)0.679
LAD, (%)55 (46.6)45 (38.1)48 (40.7)
LCX, (%)22 (18.6)24 (20.3)20 (16.9)
RCA, (%)38 (32.2)44 (37.3)48 (40.7)
1-Vessel disease, (%)12 (10.2)10 (8.5)8 (6.8)0.795
2-Vessel disease, (%)26 (22.0)21 (17.8)24 (20.3)
3-Vessel disease, (%)80 (67.8)87 (73.7)86 (72.9)
Osteo lesions, (%)28 (23.7)21 (17.8)25 (21.2)0.531
Bifurcation lesions, (%)27 (22.9)20 (16.9)24 (20.3)0.521
CTO lesions, (%)3 (2.5)4 (3.4)2 (1.7)0.706
Laboratory parameters
FBG, mmol/L6.2 (4.9, 8.1)6.3 (5.5, 8.5)6.1 (5.3, 8.7)0.435
Albumin, g/L35.0 (33.0, 38.1)38.0 (35.0, 40.5)38.8 (35.6, 41.3)<0.001
TC, mmol/L5.2 (4.5, 5.9)5.2 (4.2, 5.9)5.3 (4.0, 6.2)0.997
TG, mmol/L1.1 (0.6, 1.5)1.2 (0.7, 1.5)1.2 (0.8, 1.8)0.222
HDL-C, mmol/L0.8 (0.7, 1.1)0.8 (0.8, 1.1)0.9 (0.8, 1.2)0.685
LDL-C, mmol/L3.0 (2.4, 3.5)2.7 (2.3, 3.5)2.8 (2.1, 3.5)0.435
Uric acid, μmol/L335.6 (290.3, 393.3)327.5 (281.5, 380.9)291.0 (240.0, 350.0)0.001
NT-proBNP, pg/mL1358.3 (625.5, 1903.5)1262.5 (618.2, 2015.1)1281.7 (812.1, 2207.6)0.624
Cr, μmol/L95.5 (88.0, 115.0)77.0 (70.0, 84.3)57.0 (52.0, 63.2)<0.001
ACR32.4 (28.2, 36.2)43.7 (41.3, 47.1)59.0 (53.8, 64.7)<0.001
LVEF,%53.0 (47.0, 57.0)53.0 (47.0, 57.3)51.5 (45.0, 57.0)0.358
Aspirin, (%)102 (86.4)96 (81.4)105 (89.0)0.236
Ibuprofen, (%)16 (13.6)26 (18.6)13 (11.0)
Clopidogrel, (%)118 (100.0)118 (100.0)118 (100.0)1
ACEI/ARB/ARNI, (%)48 (40.7)40 (33.9)39 (33.1)0.408
Beta blocker, (%)49 (41.5)54 (45.8)55 (46.6)0.702
Calcium channel blocker, (%)33 (28.0)38 (32.2)34 (28.8)0.753
Statin, (%)118 (100.0)117 (99.2)116 (98.3)0.365
Ezetimibe, (%)45 (38.1)39 (33.1)42 (35.6)0.717
MI – myocardial infarction; PCI – percutaneous coronary intervention; UA – unstable angina; NSTEMI – non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction; LM – left main; LAD – left anterior descending artery; LCX – left circumflex artery; RCA – right coronary artery; CTO – chronic total occlusion; FBG – fasting blood glucose; TC – total cholesterol; TG – triglycerides; LDL-C – low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C – high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; Cr – creatinine; ACR – albumin-to-creatinine ratio; LVEF – left ventricular ejection fraction; ACEI – angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB – angiotensin II receptor blocker; ARNI – angiotensin receptor enkephalinase inhibitor.

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