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05 December 2024 : Clinical Research  

Impact of Comprehensive Preoperative Assessments on Gynecological Ambulatory Surgery Outcomes in a Chinese Hospital

Lu Bai12BCEF, Yan Huang12AE, Chuanya Huang12CEF, Xin Tan23AE*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945771

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e945771

Table 1 General patient information.

ItemsIntervention group (n=330)Control group (n=336)t/FP value
Age (years)33.29±7.2834.58±8.13−1.500.13
Educational attainment1.240.22
 Primary school and below8 (2.4)14 (4.17)
 Junior high school28 (8.5)48 (14.29)
 Senior high school/technical secondary school58 (17.6)50 (14.88)
 Associate degree88 (26.67)90 (26.79)
 Bachelor’s degree132 (40.0)108 (32.14)
 Master’s degree and above16 (3.03)26 (7.74)
Marital status−1.400.16
 Married278 (84.24)260 (77.38)
 Divorced8 (2.42)16 (4.76)
 Never married44 (13.33)60 (17.86)
Place of residence0.210.84
 Rural area70 (21.21)68 (20.23)
 Towns58 (17.58)74 (22.02)
 Cities202 (61.21)194 (57.74)
Household monthly income per person (Chinese Yuan)0.180.86
 ≤63012 (3.64)12 (3.57)
 631–10008 (2.42)16 (4.76)
 1001–300054 (16.36)68 (20.24)
 3001–5000100 (30.30)86 (25.60)
 5001–10000110 (33.33)92 (27.38)
 >1000046 (13.94)62 (18.45)
Type of health insurance0.540.59
 Health insurance provided by provincial or municipal level social security authority242 (73.33)248 (73.81)
 New rural cooperative health insurance scheme72 (21.81)76 (22.62)
 Health insurance provided by insurance companies10 (3.03)10 (2.98)
 No health insurances6 (1.82)2 (0.6)
Pre-operative diagnosis0.570.57
 Metropolypus96 (29.09)104 (30.95)
 Ovarian cyst20 (6.06)44 (13.10)
 Tubal adhesion50 (15.15)16 (4.76)
 Abnormal uterine bleeding40 (12.12)30 (8.93)
 Uterine fibroids22 (6.67)58 (17.26)
 Benign endometrial lesions34 (10.30)22 (6.55)
 Intrauterine adhesion48 (14.55)40 (11.90)
 Ectopic pregnancy4 (1.21)6 (1.79)
 Septate uterus12 (3.64)10 (2.98)
 Previous cesarean scar defect4 (1.21)6 (1.79)

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