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24 November 2024 : Clinical Research  

Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Stress and Hospital Stay in Gastrointestinal Tumor Patients During Perioperative Period

Xuelian Wang1ABE, Yinzhong Lu2ABE*, Chunhong Gu3AE, Jun Shao3AE, Yaling Yan1AE, Junjie Zhang4AE

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945834

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e945834

Table 2 Baseline characteristics of the strategy by group (mindfulness and control).

Headcount (n=78)Mindfulness (n=39)Control (n=39)P-value
Gender (%)Male18 (48.7)22 (53.8)0.375
Female21 (51.3)17 (46.3)
Age (%)<60 years old10 (25.6)8 (20.5)0.502
≥60 years old29 (74.4)31 (79.2)
BMI (%)BMI <18.5 kg/m3 (7.7)4 (10.2)0.717
18.5 kg/m ≤BMI <24 kg/m26 (66.7)26 (66.7)
24 kg/m ≤BMI <28 kg/m9 (23.0)8 (20.5)
BMI ≥28kg/m1 (2.6)1 (2.6)
Degree of education (%)Primary school education8 (20.5)6 (15.4)0.230
Junior high school degree21 (53.8)19 (48.7)
High school or secondary school degree10 (25.7)13 (33.3)
College degree or above0 (0)1 (2.6)
Background disease (%)None20 (51.3)20 (51.3)
Hypertension11 (28.2)7 (18.0)0.224
Diabetes4 (10.2)2 (5.1)
Coronary heart disease2 (5.1)5 (12.8)
Cerebral infarction1 (2.6)2 (5.1)
Else1 (2.6)3 (7.7)
Type of operation (%)Laparoscopic surgery6 (19.5)5 (6.3)0.749
Laparotomy33 (80.5)34 (92.7)
Type of disease (%)Gastric cancer8 (17.1)10 (29.3)0.76
Colon cancer20 (51.2)15 (41.5)
Carcinoma of the rectum11 (31.7)14 (29.3)
Staging and grading cancer (%)Stage I6 (21.9)9 (14.7)0.898
Stage II12 (29.3)6 (17.1)
Stage III19 (43.9)21 (60.9)
Stage IV2 (4.9)3 (7.3)
Marital status (%)Married39 (100)39 (100)1
Medical insurance type (%)Possess28 (71.8)28 (71.8)1
None11 (28.2)11 (28.2)
P-value for the between-group comparison at baseline. BMI – body mass index.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750