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01 December 2024 : Clinical Research  

Rituximab use in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Seven-Year Retrospective Study of 52 Patients at a Saudi Arabian Hospital

Sumayah Sulaiman Bafana1BCE, Fahidah Alenzi ORCID logo2EFG*, Ibrahim Almaghlouth1AD, Eman Alqurtas ORCID logo1AD, Mohammed K. Bedaiwi1ABD, Haya M. M. Almalag ORCID logo3AD, Mohammed A. Omair ORCID logo1ACDEF

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.946178

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e946178

Table 1 Demographic characteristics of patients who used rituximab.

Female sex (n (%))44 (84.6)
Age (mean±SD)57.1±11.1
Disease duration (median+IQR)11.5 (9.25–20)
Living in Riyadh (n (%))35 (67.3)
Never smoked (n (%))51 (98.1)
Positive rheumatoid factor (n (%))2 (3.8)
Positive anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (n (%))2 (3.8)
Double positive for rheumatoid factor and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (n (%))46 (88.46)
Negative for rheumatoid factor or anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (n (%))2 (3.9)
Body mass index (mean±SD)30.4±6.41)
Presence of comorbidities (n (%))37 (71.2)
Number of comorbidities (n (%))
 015 (28.9)
 117 (32.7)
 2 or more20 (38.5)
Presence of interstitial lung disease (n (%))3 (5.8)
Positive latent tuberculosis (n (%))7 (13.5)
Previous history of active tuberculosis (n (%))1 (1.9)
Positive hepatitis C antibodies (n (%))0
Positive hepatitis B anti-core antibodies (n (%))4 (7.7)
Positive hepatitis B surface antigen (n (%))0

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