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25 November 2024 : Clinical Research  

Efficacy and Safety of Direct Oral Anticoagulants After Mechanical Thrombectomy in Venous Thromboembolism: A Comparative Study of 55 Patients

Wei-Chieh Lee123ABCDEF*, Chon-Seng Hong2BD, Wei-Ting Chang12EF, Chia-Te Liao4F, Po-Sen Huang4B, Shen-Chung Huang4B, Chih-Hsien Lin4B, Chun-Yen Chiang4B, Zhih-Cherng Chen ORCID logo4F, Jhih-Yuan Shih43DF

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.946362

Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e946362

Table 3 Clinical presentation and medication use in patients with thrombophilia.

Patient numberPatient demographicsThrombophilia type and use of OAC
SexAge (years)BMI (kg/m2)Cr (mg/dL)ThrombophiliaIndex eventDrugMonths after OAC
1Male7515.60.58Thrombin IIIRight iliofemoral veinRivaroxaban11
2Female4331.80.79Protein SLeft iliofemoral veinApixaban23
3Female3928.70.66Protein SBilateral pulmonary trunk embolismDabigatran6
4Male2327.31.05Protein CLeft iliofemoral veinRivaroxaban20
5Male7426.21.32Thrombin IIIBilateral pulmonary trunk embolism and Right iliofemoral veinRivaroxaban18
6Female8017.40.74Thrombin IIILeft iliofemoral veinRivaroxaban19
7Male7125.41.5Protein SRight ilio-femoral veinRivaroxaban7
8Male3425.60.73Thrombin IIIBilateral pulmonary trunk embolismEdoxaban5
9Male6130.61.3Thrombin IIIRight iliofemoral veinEdoxaban→ Dabigatran2
10Male4818.80.84Protein CBilateral pulmonary trunk embolismApixaban3
11Female5228.31.2Thrombin IIIBilateral pulmonary trunk embolism and left iliofemoral veinApixaban1
12Female5327.30.94Protein SBilateral pulmonary trunk embolism and left iliofemoral veinApixaban13
13Female8328.80.89Protein SBilateral iliofemoral veinRivaroxaban19
14Female2730.20.72Protein SRight iliofemoral veinDabigatran12
BMI – body mass index; Cr – creatinine; OAC – oral anticoagulation.

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750