05 April 2021 : Clinical Research
Extra-Thyroid Extension Prediction by Ultrasound Quantitative Method Based on Thyroid Capsule Response Evaluation
Minghang Lin12BF, Yiming Su3CDF, Weili Wei2BCE, Yiran Gong2BC, Yinan Huang2BCE, Jinshu Zeng2DEFG, Liya Li4BCF, Haihong Shi4B, Shuqiang Chen2ABCDEFG*DOI: 10.12659/MSM.929408
Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e929408
Figure 1 Schematic of the L/V measurement method (A). Actual diagram of L/V measurement method (B). The icons represent subcutaneous tissue (white pentagram), anterior capsula (white hollow triangle) and thyroid gland (white solid triangle) (B). The short double arrow represents the L value, which is the ledge length of the protruding thyroid capsule from the nodule. The long double arrow represents the V value, which is the vertical diameter of the nodule (B).