24 August 2021 : Clinical Research
Whole-Process Digitalization-Assisted Immediate Implant Placement and Immediate Restoration in the Aesthetic Zone: A Prospective Study
Xiaomei Han12ABCDEFG, Change Qi2C, Pengnv Guo2C, Shuying Zhang2B, Yali Xu2B, Guanghui Lv2A, Ying Li1AE*, Changyi Li
DOI: 10.12659/MSM.931544
Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e931544

Figure 5 Obtaining the digital impression. (A) Intraoral scanning of the soft and hard tissues and the temporary crown. (B) Intraoral scanning of the implant position. (C) Extraoral scanning of the supragingival and subgingival shapes of the temporary restoration. (D) Generation of the soft tissue cuff shape based on the subgingival morphology of the temporary restoration