06 December 2021 : Animal Research
Diazepam Monotherapy or Diazepam-Ketamine Dual Therapy at Different Time Points Terminates Seizures and Reduces Mortality in a Status Epilepticus Animal Model
Ruijiao Zhou1ABCDEFG, Yanlin Wang2BCD, Xing Cao1CDEF, Zhimin Li1ABCF, Juming Yu1ACDEF*DOI: 10.12659/MSM.934043
Med Sci Monit 2021; 27:e934043

Figure 3 Comparisons of 10 mg/kg diazepam monotherapy for SE at different time points. (A) Monotherapy with 10 mg/kg diazepam when SE lasted longer than 10 min rapidly and significantly decreased the seizure-free rate. Only 1 SE rat was controlled when SE lasted for 20 min, and no rats were controlled in the 30 min group compared to the 7 controlled rats in the 10-min group and all controlled rats in the 5-min group (*** P<0.0001). ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons. (B) The class of seizure was assessed according to the Racine scale at the end of the first hour after diazepam treatment, showing that rats in the 5-min and 10-min groups were treated successfully, but the class of seizure stayed 2–3 in the 20-min and 30-min groups with continued EEG signals (*** P<0.0001). (C) Diazepam (10 mg/kg) administration for SE in the first 10 min was effective (5 min, 10 min) and drastically reduced seizure duration (*** P<0.0001 vs 20 min, 30 min), which suggests a temporal effect of diazepam treatment. Values are means±SEM. ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons. (D) Survival rates of animals that received placebo (n=5) or diazepam treatment at 10 min and 30 min (n=8) were monitored 7 days after therapy (** P=0.0100, log-rank test). Data are shown as the means±SEM (GraphPad Prism, Prism 8.0.2, GraphPad Software, Inc.). EEG, electroencephalograph; SE, status epilepticus.