03 May 2022 : Clinical Research
Retrospective Study of 23 Patients with Traumatic Posterolateral Tibial Plateau Fracture Treated in a Single Center Between 2017 and 2019 with Lateral Arthrotomy, Reduction, and Plate Fixation Using the Frosch Approach
Fukang Zhu1ABCDEF, Chenyao Wu1BCF, Qihong Wu1BCF, Yucheng Huang1DE, Yi Liu1DE, Jing Jiao1DEG, Junwen Wang1ADEG*DOI: 10.12659/MSM.935377
Med Sci Monit 2022; 28:e935377
Figure 3 The process of isolating the common peroneal nerve (CPN). After the CPN was located, it was carefully dissociated at the rear edge of the biceps femoris muscle (BP, black arrow) and protected by the rubber belt. Figure was taken with an iPhone X (Apple, CA, USA) and edited via Microsoft Word (version 16.57, Microsoft, USA).