14 May 2023 : Clinical Research
A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study Comparing 3 Obturation Techniques to Seal Dentin to Root Canal Bioceramic Sealer in 30 Freshly Extracted Mandibular Second Premolars
Nuha S. Alghamdi1ABEFG, Ruaa A. Alamoudi 2ABCEG, Suheel Manzoor Baba 1ABDEG*, Khurshid Mattoo3ACDEF, Rushdiyah H. Abu Hawi4BDEF, Wejdan Nasser Ali4BDEF, Nouf Mohammed Hassan Almadhlami4ABCDEF, Alya Mohammed Ahmed Lahiq4BCEFDOI: 10.12659/MSM.940599
Med Sci Monit 2023; 29:e940599
Figure 1 (A) Schematic depiction of the specimen measurements and their planned sections. (B) An exemplary specimen showing access cavity preparation. (C) An exemplary specimen showing the completed obturation. Figure created using MS PowerPoint, version 20H2 (OS build 19042,1466), Windows 11 Pro, (Microsoft corporation).