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04 July 2020 : Clinical Research  

Implementation of Thromboelastometry for Coagulation Management in Isolated Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Undergoing Craniotomy

Marius Rimaitis1ABCDEFG*, Diana Bilskienė1ABE, Tomas Tamošuitis2BE, Rimantas Vilcinis2BDE, Kęstutis Rimaitis1DE, Andrius Macas1ADEG

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.922879

Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e922879

Table 5 Summarized hematologic parameters of the case group patients.

Hematologic parameterCase-N (n=35)Case-CP (n=34)
Hemoglobin, g/L140 (133–147)104 (95–110)133.5 (120.75–143.75)98 (89–110.5)
Hematocrit, %41 (38.6–43)31 (29–33.2)38.55 (35.15–41.63)29.4 (26.83–33.3)
SCT:PLT, 10/L233 (184–269)168 (152–194)167 (108.5–223.25)121 (82–165.25)
PTI, %95 (82–111)73 (67.5–84)87 (66–109)72 (62.5–82.5)
INR1.02 (0.96–1.1)1.14 (1.08–1.2)1.06 (0.97–1.2)1.16 (1.09–1.24)
APTT, s30 (27.9–33)33.3 (30.65–35.55)32.15 (30.1–37.18)35 (31.25–37.2)0.143
FIB, g/L3.74 (2.88–4.18)3.38 (2.77–4.03)2.59 (1.96–3.78)2.86 (2.15–3.37)0.614
SCT abnormal, n (%)0 (0)15 (45.5)25 (73.5)24 (72.7)0.944
ROTEM:INTEM – CT, s167 (149–178)157.5 (147–161.75)0.153175.5 (153.25–199.25)165.5 (153.75–176.75)
CFT, s76 (64–84)70.5 (62.25–82.5)0.069109 (85.75–147.5)92.5 (80–123.75)
A10, mm55 (52.75–57.5)55 (53–57.25)0.24145.5 (39.75–51.25)48.5 (41.25–52)0.175
MCF, mm63 (61–65)63 (60.75–64.25)0.43754 (51–60.5)57 (52–61)0.202
ML, %5 (3–8)6.5 (4.75–9.25)4 (1.75–6)4 (2.25–7)
ROTEM:EXTEM – CT, s62 (55–66)59.5 (53.5–64.75)0.43974 (64.75–88.25)60 (53.25–68)
CFT, s79 (66–91)77.5 (59.75–87.25)0.042122.5 (91.75–150.75)95 (72.25–123)
A10, mm56 (53.75–58.25)56.5 (53.75–59.25)0.32345 (40.75–50.25)48 (45–55.5)
MCF, mm64 (62–66.25)64 (61–66.25)0.83755 (50–57.5)57.5 (55.25–63)
ML, %5.5 (2–8)6 (4–9)5 (3–6)4 (2–6.75)0.806
A10, mm19 (16–21.25)17.5 (14–22.5)0.82914 (8–20)15.5 (12–20.75)
MCF, mm21.5 (17–24.5)19.5 (15–23.5)0.41016.5 (9–22.5)17.5 (13–22)0.197
ML, %1 (0–5)1 (0–2.25)0.1181.5 (0–8)0 (0–2)
ROTEM abnormal, n (%)0 (0)2 (5.9)0.14425 (73.5)15 (46.9)
Hyperfibrinolysis, n (%)0 (0)2 (5.9)0.1449 (26.5)2 (6.3)
Continuous variables are reported as median (interquartile range). Categorical variables are reported in terms of frequency (percentage). N – normal; CP – coagulopathic; SCT – standard coagulation tests; PLT – platelet count; PTI – prothrombin time index; INR – international normalized ratio; APTT – partial thromboplastin time; FIB – fibrinogen. INTEM – internal coagulation pathway thromboelastometry; EXTEM – external coagulation pathway thromboelastometry; FIBTEM – fibrinogen polymerization thromboelastometry; CT – clotting time; CFT – clot formation time; A10 – clot amplitude 10 min. after CT; MCF – maximum clot firmness; ML – maximum lysis.

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