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07 July 2020 : Laboratory Research  

Induction and Regulation of the Immunoproteasome Subunit β5i (PSMB8) in Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells

Nan-Xiang Chen1BCEF, Kun Liu1BC, Xuan Liu2A, Xin-Xin Zhang1AD, Dong-yi Han1ADF*

DOI: 10.12659/MSM.923621

Med Sci Monit 2020; 26:e923621

Table 1 Classification and application of PIs.

TypeDrug nameBinding typeTarget affinityStatus
BoronatesBortezomib (PS-341)Reversibleβ5>β1Approved by the FDA for the treatment of multiple myeloma and lymphoma
Ixazomib (MLN-9708/2238)Reversibleβ5>β1Approved by the FDA for the treatment of multiple myeloma in combination with other drugs
Delanzomib (CEP-18770)Reversibleβ5>β1Phase I and Phase II studies
SalinosporamidesMarizomib (NPI-0052)Nonreversibleβ5>β2>β1Approved by the FDA for the treatment of malignant glioma
EpoxyketonesCarfilzomib (PR171)Reversibleβ5Approved by the FDA for the treatment of multiple myeloma
Oprozomib (ONX-0912, PR-047)Nonreversibleβ5Phase I and Phase II studies

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Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750
Medical Science Monitor eISSN: 1643-3750